ProjectWise Explorer Help

Manually Synchronizing Locations with Their Linked Folders

As documents are added to or removed from the source or destination folder that is linked (bound) to a particular location, you can manually synchronize the location in the advanced integration project so that it is updated to display the current list of documents in the linked folder.

You can synchronize:

  • all locations - Right-click the advanced integration project in the ProjectWise browser and select Synchronize > All.
  • all ProjectWise locations - Right-click the advanced integration project in the ProjectWise browser and select Synchronize > ProjectWise.
  • all ProjectWise Share locations - Right-click the advanced integration project in the ProjectWise browser and select Synchronize > Share.
  • all file system locations - Right-click the advanced integration project in the ProjectWise browser and select Synchronize > File System.
  • individual locations - Right-click the specific location you want to update in the ProjectWise browser and select Synchronize content.
Tip: If you turned off Populate the location with bound content during location creation, the location will initially be empty, but you can quickly populate the location if needed by synchronizing it with the linked folder.
Tip: Turn on Synchronize content of folders on opening in the project settings if you want locations to be automatically synchronized with their linked folders when the project opens.